He said that the company has been very successful so far in pitching the $30/month plan to individual users who want more from their email, and would rather focus on the product than the pricing scheme. Vohra also said that the company has no immediate plans to adopt a group- or company-based subscription plan, similar to business productivity tools like Atlassian's Jira or Salesforce's It's really geographically distributed now." "We now have users from every walk of life, from every industry you can think of in actually almost every country you can think of. And we haven't been that for a very long time," Vohra said. "Superhuman is now no longer just selling into Silicon Valley.
And so, Vohra believes that the demand for Superhuman to come to Android and Outlook speaks to a demand for the app well outside the confines of Silicon Valley. Similarly, while iPhones are in wide use in the tech community, there are far more Android phones in use around the world.

Microsoft dominates the market for office productivity software, with Outlook serving as the de facto standard at corporations large and small. They are now our number one and number two feature requests." "We went from, I would say a year ago when no one was really asking us for an Android app, no one was really asking for this to work on Outlook. "This is the sign of a company growing up," Vohra told Insider. The Outlook integration, which would allow users to use Superhuman with their Microsoft-powered mailboxes, is currently at an early stage of development, but some within the company are testing it out, Vohra said. These changes will help us grow significantly faster." He declined to share specific growth stats for the company but said "we're already growing very fast. "I think that Outlook and Android will quite literally change our trajectory," Vohra said. Vohra sees those two products as key to the startup's next stage of growth. The company is also working on an Android app, which would bring it beyond Apple devices for the first time, as well as integrations with the Microsoft Office suite, to complement its existing support for Gmail and Google Calendar. The new announcement is just the first step towards broader plans to make the app more accessible to power users across platforms, Vohra said. The company has a valuation of $260 million, according to PitchBook. To date, it has raised $51 million in venture capital funding from firms like Andreessen Horowitz, Vohra said. Superhuman already has a cult-like following among tech founders and investors, thanks to its approach of making email more efficient via pre-programmed and customizable keyboard shortcuts.

Google Meet link to a calendar invite with only keyboard shortcuts, building on the new calendar features it introduced last year. It's something the company realized was necessary as virtual meetings became the default way to meet others over the last year, said CEO Rahul Vohra, who founded Superman in 2014. On Wednesday, Superhuman announced a new capability to quickly add a Superhuman, the cult-favorite startup that's aiming to reinvent email and calendaring with a $30/month iPhone app that cuts down on busy work, is making moves to accelerate its growth. Those launches will help Superhuman grow its $30/month email app beyond tech workers, he said.CEO Rahul Vohra says that next up is an Android app and Microsoft Office integration.Hot email startup Superhuman is making it easier for users to schedule Zoom or Google Meet calls.